English Zone
Nowadays English has become an international language in which learning open the doors of technology, science, culture and education. Therefore, we are aware that our students shall enjoy better and more opportunities if they acquire since the early years of their school life, and in this way satisfy their needs of studies, jobs and possible trips in the future.
Hence, Concordia Universal School takes advantage of sensitive periods since early years for teaching English language especially in kinder and primary levels because during this period our students consolidate the second language learning. In high school, our students are arranged in grade – level grouping. The methodology that we apply is functional cognitive, “learn to learn and teach to think in a reflective and critical way”.
Consequently, in this globalized world and through learning this language, our students manage to become world citizens to move freely in it, developing their potential and competitiveness. Thus, as active participants in this intercultural process, they get to exchange ideas, perceptions, feelings and worldviews knowing a different culture from their own.
Since 2014, our institution in coordination with the University of Piura, offers the possibility to our primary and high school students, to take the international examinations from the University of Cambridge. (England).
- Cambridge Exams by levels
The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is an international standard for describing language ability. It is used around the world to qualify learners’ language oral and written comprehension.
- Cambridge English Young Learners is a series of fun, motivating English language tests, aimed at children in primary and lower-secondary education. Thereare three activity-based tests – Starters, Movers and Flyers. This gives students a clear path to improve in English learning.
- Cambridge English Key for Schools, also known as Key English Test (KET) forSchools, shows that a student can use simple, everyday written and spoken English.
Cambridge EnglishKey for Schools is a basic level qualification.
- Cambridge English Preliminary for Schools, also known as Preliminary English Test (PET) for Schools, shows that a student can understand and communicate using everyday written and spoken English.
Cambridge English Preliminary for Schools is an intermediate level qualification.
- Cambridge English First for Schools is designed specially to suit students’ interest, so it increases their motivation to learn English. The examination is based on familiar topics and situations; it gives them the confidence to use their English and inspires them to move on to further qualifications. Cambridge English First for Schools is at an upper-intermediate level.
- Reader Plan
Concordia School is aware of raising the English knowledge level. Therefore, we believe it appropriate to continue the habit of reading and research in our students through the “Reader Plan” at the high school level, with current and motivating texts according to the age of the students. They may recognize in readers, grammatical structures, vocabulary and correct spelling of the language to express fluently in oral and written communications.

- Laboratory
We have a modern language laboratory with 40 computers that serves as resources for primary and secondary students for developing speaking, listening, reading and writing skills.
The audio and video equipment allow the development of different learning activities in the language acquisition.
- Interesting Links
We suggest to our students these websites to continue enjoying the English learning.
- Speed Reading test online:
- Cambridge Dictionaries Online
- Monkey Puzzle: Starters, Movers, Flyers / Level: A1-A2
Skills practised: Reading
- Funland: Starters, Movers, Flyers, KEY, PET / Level: A1-B1
Skills practiced: Reading and Listening
- Academy Island: PET, FCE,CAE / Level: B1-C1
Skills practised: Reading